On Aug 2, 2010, at 9:21 AM, Michael Ellis wrote:

> I'm pretty sure it does because I've fixed several instances during
> the past two days  by correcting pass statements.   I'll try to create
> a minimal example to post here.

That would be good. Whatever it is, it's leading to rocket seeing an empty 
request from the client. If it's possible to cause that from a view, then 
hopefully it'll be possible to catch the error earlier and raise a more helpful 

> On Aug 2, 12:13 pm, Thadeus Burgess <thade...@thadeusb.com> wrote:
>> The template system actually emits an error that says "Missing pass in
>> view" or "too many pass in view".
>> This has to do with cron / rocket failing, nothing to do with template.
>> --
>> Thadeus
>> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Michael Ellis
>> <michael.f.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> One of my views has a number of if else clauses to control what the
>>> user sees depending on context.  I'm finding it painfully difficult to
>>> debug because omitting a pass statement generates a not very helpful
>>> error:
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>  File "/Users/mellis/w2ptip/gluon/rocket.py", line 871, in run
>>>    self.run_app(conn)
>>>  File "/Users/mellis/w2ptip/gluon/rocket.py", line 1281, in run_app
>>>    self.environ = environ = self.build_environ(sock_file, conn)
>>>  File "/Users/mellis/w2ptip/gluon/rocket.py", line 1114, in
>>> build_environ
>>>    request = self.read_request_line(sock_file)
>>>  File "/Users/mellis/w2ptip/gluon/rocket.py", line 942, in
>>> read_request_line
>>>    raise SocketClosed('Client closed socket.')
>>> SocketClosed: Client closed socket.
>>> Usually I can spot the problem visually, but I've been stuck for over
>>> an hour just now and can't find what's wrong.  Are there errors other
>>> than missing pass statements that will cause this?  Also, where would
>>> I need to set a breakpoint to step through template parsing (and is
>>> that a useful thing to do) ?
>>> I'm working at tip.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Mike

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