Hello Web2Py group,

I'm am currently evaluating different Python-based Web Application
frameworks and had a question regarding Web2Py and the use of
traditional Python classes.

My question is that why do you not create true Python classes (using
the class) keyword when developing the models?  For example, our
Models that we use today are very large and complex.  We have many
instance methods defined with our models but today our models are true
Python classes.  We have database readers and writers which are
responsible for pulling the data from our DB which then create and
populate our models.

But in Web2Py it doesn't seam like we have the ability.  Suppose I
have a Contact model...how would I build it in web2py such that I can
have various instance methods/attributes associated with that Contact
model?  It seams to me that with web2py we just have to work with raw
data fields that come back from DAL queries.

So what is the recommended way to accomplish this if possible?

Thanks in advance and I appreciate the help.


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