i use the google app engine's provided bulk loader for dumping and
restoring data.  it's supposed to deal with keeping ID's in sync, and
has been fine for me so far.  the trouble with it is that you have to
have the GAE SDK installed to use it - you can't do it via either the
web2py interfaces or the GAE admin interfaces.

i can provide examples if desired.  (just FYI i'm traveling and my
response time might be a tad slow).


On Aug 1, 11:51 pm, johntynan <jgty...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bruno,
> Have you tried using web2py's appadmin for your particular app:
> https://yourgaeappname.appspot.com/yourweb2pyappname/appadmin
> I am working towards backing up my app running on GAE, in the process,
> one of the developers I am working with pointed out the following:
> "The created_by fields in your database do not reference the auth.user
> table; they should have as their type auth.user (they do default to
> the current auth.user.id but this is not sufficient)..  Setting up
> these references is important for the sake of backing up and restoring
> to the App Engine via web2py.  Without these references in place, the
> appengine will re-generate the userids, should you download and upload
> a full backup using the method recommended by Massimo (see the web2py
> book for details)."
> With that in mind, I am making sure to read "Exporting and Importing
> Data" here:
> http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/06#Exporting-and-Importing-Data
> As I work this out, I'd be glad to share my experiences here.
> On Aug 2, 4:55 am, Bruno Rocha <rochacbr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello, I'm writing a lot of text using cube2py running on GoogleAppEngine.
> > All content written in cube2py is stored in the database, and I need to do a
> > backup.
> > Is there a way to use DAL to export records in a given table?
> > I know it may be possible to do this by creating action.json or action.xml,
> >  table by table.
> > But is there any easier way, someone already did?
> > {{=thanks}}
> > --
> >http://rochacbruno.com.br

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