"extension=False" is new to me, Thats not covered by the Book

I found and reported that before :

Tks Jonathan

2010/8/10 Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com>

> On Aug 10, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Miguel Lopes wrote:
> I'm pretty sure this as been asked, but I can't find it anywhere.
> I would like to use the URL function to construct a link inside
> a component view (i.e. views/components/view_x.load). This would be a link
> to a completely new page, to be loaded in the browser and not in the
> component div. However, the default behavior is that all links inside a
> component are trapped and loaded into the same component, thus if I have in
> the component view:
> <a href="{{URL(c='default', f='view_detail', args=rec.contact.id)}}">{{
> rec.contact.name}}</a>
> Are you sure this is the code? It doesn't seem right; I'd expect a syntax
> error with no application or request specified.
> At any rate, you can suppress the extension with extension="" or
> extension=False.
> This gets translated into:
> <a href="/app/default/view_detail.load/6">Clockwork Orange</a>
> And I would like to get:
> <a href="/init/default/view_detail/6">Clockwork Orange</a>
> How can I achieve this?



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