Hi everybody!

As part of a website I try to make an image gallery in web2py. The
database model is simple: there is a 100x100 thumbnail, the whole
picture, and (optionally) the image's title.

The website runs on Google App Engine and web2py v1.83.2 for now.
There are multiple problems with it. First, I can only upload images
under 1MB. Second, the gallery page loads very slowly (I make a select
for only 25 records in web2py), and in the GAE logs there is always
warnings about memory usage.

For the first problem the solution would be using the GAE blobstore,
but I don't really know how to do that. Is it implemented in web2py?
For the second problem I don't know the solution.

If you would do an image gallery like mine from the ground up, how
would you do that? And do you have any advices about my problems?

Thanks in advance!

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