
I suspect that this problem has more to do with HTML email, or how
your email client guesses what are links in text based email.  i
believe that by default the request_reset_password sends a text-only
email with no HTML markup.  though most clients will recognize http://....
as a URL and highlight it as such (i know thunderbird does, and i'm
pretty sure pine does, though clicking on a link in pine is hard. -
i'm way old skool and read all of my mail as text only)

i have not yet tried to send HTML formated mail for the auth methods,
but i suspect that is what you are looking to do.


On Nov 4, 12:49 am, annet <> wrote:
> Hi Bruno,
> > The easy way to render the 'http://' urls in web2py, is using markmin.
> > lets say you have a text
> > text = "ths is a text with a link";
> > To render the link as an Hyperlink you can use markmin.
> > {{=MARKMIN(text)}}
> On October 15 I posted the following message:
> "While testing my cms application I found that the link in the mail
> send by the request_reset_password function isn't clickable, the user
> has to copy and paste the link into the browser. Am I the only one
> experiencing this? Is there a way to solve this problem?"
> Could this problem be solved using markmin?
> Regards,
> Annet

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