_search false
fieldvalue      None
nd      1289404767209
page    1
rows    10
sord    asc
tablename       device


"server_timenull" seems wrong? what to do?


On 10 Nov., 16:55, mdipierro <> wrote:
> You need to install firebug and check in the console log what is going
> on.
> On Nov 10, 9:53 am, AsmanCom <> wrote:
> > tried it like this:
> > app/models/
> > var server_time=null;
> > jQuery(document).ready(function(server_time){jQuery("#%
> > (id)s").jqGrid({
> > url:'%(callback)s&server_time'+escape(server_time),
> > app/controllers/
> > def data():
> >     sleep(10)
> >     ...
> >     test1 = request.vars.server_time or error()
> >     tablename = request.vars.tablename or error()
> >     ...
> >     items = {}
> >     items['userdata']
> >     ...
> > ______________________
> > It seems not working, data is not returned by the controller.
> > On 10 Nov., 16:37, mdipierro <> wrote:
> > > replace
> > > ....
> > > jQuery(document).ready(function(server_time){jQuery("#%
> > > (id)s").jqGrid({
> > > url:'%(callback)s',
> > > ....
> > > with
> > > ....
> > > jQuery(document).ready(function(server_time){jQuery("#%
> > > (id)s").jqGrid({
> > > url:'%(callback)s&server_time'+escape(server_time),
> > > ....
> > > On Nov 10, 9:34 am, AsmanCom <> wrote:
> > > > Hi Massimo, never mind. I do not want the variable passed with
> > > > jQuery.getJSON, but with the url: '% (callback) s', which is called
> > > > with LoadComplete: .trigger ("reload grid").
> > > > Here's the code so far..
> > > > _____________________________________________________
> > > > app/models/
> > > > def
> > > > plugin_live_grid(table,fieldname=None,fieldvalue=None,col_widths={},
> > > > _id=None,columns=None,col_width=80,width=700,height=300):
> > > >     """
> > > >     just do to embed the jqGrid with ajax search capability and
> > > > pagination
> > > >     {{=plugin_jqgrid(db.tablename)}}
> > > >     - table is the db.tablename
> > > >     - fieldname, fieldvalue are an optional filter
> > > > (fieldname==fieldvalue)
> > > >     - _id is the "id" of the DIV that contains the jqGrid
> > > >     - columns is a list of columns names to be displayed
> > > >     - cold_width is the width of each column
> > > >     - height is the height of the jqGrid
> > > >     """
> > > >     from gluon.serializers import json
> > > >     _id = 'jqgrid_%s' % table
> > > >     columns = columns or [x for x in table.fields if
> > > > table[x].readable]
> > > >     colnames = [x.replace('_',' ').capitalize() for x in columns]
> > > >     colmodel = [{'name':x,'index':x,
> > > > 'width':col_widths.get(x,col_width), 'sortable':True} \
> > > >                     for x in columns if table[x].readable]
> > > >     callback = URL(r=request,c='plugin_jqgrid',f='data',
> > > >                    vars=dict(tablename=table._tablename,
> > > >                              columns=','.join(columns),
> > > >                              fieldname=fieldname or '',
> > > >                              fieldvalue=fieldvalue,
> > > >                              ))
> > > >     script="""
> > > > var server_time=null;
> > > > jQuery(document).ready(function(server_time){jQuery("#%
> > > > (id)s").jqGrid({
> > > > url:'%(callback)s',
> > > > datatype: "json",
> > > > colNames: %(colnames)s,
> > > > colModel:%(colmodel)s,
> > > > rowNum:10,
> > > > rowList:[20,50,100],
> > > > pager: '#%(id)s_pager',
> > > > onSelectRow: function(postdata) {web2py_ajax_page('get','/jqgrid2/
> > > > default/tabs2/'+(postdata),null,'panel');},
> > > > loadComplete: function () {
> > > >     var server_time=jQuery("#%(id)s").getGridParam('userData');
> > > >     setTimeout(function(){
> > > >      alert(server_time);
> > > >      jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid().setGridParam({datatype:"json"});
> > > >      jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid().trigger("reloadGrid",
> > > > [{current:true}]);
> > > > }, 1000); /* 1000..after 1 seconds */
> > > > },
> > > > loadError: function () {
> > > >     setTimeout(function(){
> > > >      jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid().setGridParam({datatype:"json"});
> > > >      jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid().trigger("reloadGrid",
> > > > [{current:true}]);
> > > > }, 15000); /* milliseconds (15seconds) */
> > > > },
> > > > caption:'%(tablename)s',
> > > > viewrecords: true,
> > > > height:%(height)s,
> > > > loadui:"disabled"});
> > > > jQuery("#%(id)s").jqGrid('navGrid','#%(id)s_pager',
> > > > {search:true,add:false,edit:false,del:false});
> > > > jQuery("#%(id)s").setGridWidth(%(width)s,false);});
> > > > """ % dict(callback=callback,colnames=json(colnames),
> > > > tablename=table._tablename.capitalize(),
> > > >            colmodel=json(colmodel),id=_id,height=height,width=width)
> > > >     return TAG[''](TABLE(_id=_id),
> > > >                    DIV(_id=_id+"_pager"),
> > > >                    SCRIPT(script))
> > > > _______________________________________________________
> > > > app/controllers/
> > > > from random import randint
> > > > from time import sleep
> > > > def error():
> > > >     raise HTTP(400)
> > > > def data2():# for testing
> > > >     if randint(1,3) == 1:
> > > >         raise HTTP(400)
> > > >     else:
> > > >         return data2()
> > > > def data():
> > > >     sleep(10) # for testing
> > > >     "
> > > > q=1&_search=false&nd=1267835445772&rows=10&page=1&sidx=amount&sord=asc&searchField=&searchString=&searchOper="
> > > >     from gluon.serializers import json
> > > >     import cgi
> > > >     tablename = request.vars.tablename or error()
> > > >     columns = (request.vars.columns or error()).split(',')
> > > >     rows=int(request.vars.rows or 25)
> > > >     page=int( or 0)
> > > >     sidx=request.vars.sidx or 'id'
> > > >     sord=request.vars.sord or 'asc'
> > > >     searchField=request.vars.searchField
> > > >     searchString=request.vars.searchString
> > > >     searchOper={'eq':lambda a,b: a==b,
> > > >                 'nq':lambda a,b: a!=b,
> > > >                 'gt':lambda a,b: a>b,
> > > >                 'ge':lambda a,b: a>=b,
> > > >                 'lt':lambda a,b: a<b,
> > > >                 'le':lambda a,b: a<=b,
> > > >                 'bw':lambda a,b:'%'),
> > > >                 'bn':lambda a,b:'%'),
> > > >                 'ew':lambda a,b:'%'+b),
> > > >                 'en':lambda a,b:'%'+b),
> > > >                 'cn':lambda a,b:'%'+b+'%'),
> > > >                 'nc':lambda a,b:'%'+b+'%'),
> > > >                 'in':lambda a,b: a.belongs(b.split()),
> > > >                 'ni':lambda a,b: ~a.belongs(b.split())}\
> > > >                 [request.vars.searchOper or 'eq']
> > > >     table=db[tablename]
> > > >     if request.vars.fieldname:
> > > >         dbset =
> > > > table._db(table[request.vars.fieldname]==request.vars.fieldvalue)
> > > >     else:
> > > >         dbset = table._db(>0)
> > > >     if searchField:
> > > > dbset=dbset(searchOper(table[searchField],searchString))
> > > >     orderby = table[sidx]
> > > >     if sord=='desc': orderby=~orderby
> > > >     limitby=(rows*(page-1),rows*page)
> > > >     fields = [table[f] for f in columns]
> > > >     records =,limitby=limitby,*fields)
> > > >     nrecords = dbset.count()
> > > >     items = {}
> > > >     items['userdata']
> > > >     items['page']=page
> > > >     items['total']=int((nrecords+(rows-1))/rows)
> > > >     items['records']=nrecords
> > > >     readable_fields=[ for f in fields if f.readable]
> > > >     def f(value,fieldname):
> > > >         r = table[fieldname].represent
> > > >         if r: value=r(value)
> > > >         try: return value.xml()
> > > >         except: return cgi.escape(str(value))
> > > >     items['rows']=[{'id','cell':[f(r[x],x) for x in
> > > > readable_fields]} \
> > > >                        for r in records]
> > > >     return json(items)
> > > > ________________________________________
> > > > app/controllers/
> > > > # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> > > > #########################################################################
> > > > ## This is a samples controller
> > > > ## - index is the default action of any application
> > > > ## - user is required for authentication and authorization
> > > > ## - download is for downloading files uploaded in the db (does
> > > > streaming)
> > > > ## - call exposes all registered services (none by default)
> > > > #########################################################################
> > > > def index():
> > > >     """
> > > >     example action using the internationalization operator T and flash
> > > >     rendered by views/default/index.html or views/generic.html
> > > >     """
> > > >     response.flash = T('Welcome to web2py')
> > > >     return dict(message=T('Hello World'))
> > > > def user():
> > > >     """
> > > >     exposes:
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/user/login
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/user/logout
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/user/register
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/user/profile
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/user/retrieve_password
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/user/change_password
> > > >     use @auth.requires_login()
> > > >         @auth.requires_membership('group name')
> > > >         @auth.requires_permission('read','table name',record_id)
> > > >     to decorate functions that need access control
> > > >     """
> > > >     return dict(form=auth())
> > > > def download():
> > > >     """
> > > >     allows downloading of uploaded files
> > > >    http://..../[app]/default/download/[filename]
> > > >     """
> > > >     return,db)
> ...
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