Thats Very cool!
On 11/21/10, blackthorne <> wrote:
> Hey Massimo, i think I can help on this and btw I think it is the way
> to go if we want to bring scalability and fault-tolerance to another
> level.
> I would suggest the very same architecture used in the Merb framework.
> They did an awesome work with nanites (a fabric of ruby daemons),
> bringing real cloud computing power out-of-the-box. I've a work around
> this on my Mst. and currently work on it professionally. If you want
> the results on benchmarks for different things on this, please feel
> free to contact me.
> here:
> Thank you,
> Best regards
> On Nov 20, 11:36 pm, mdipierro <> wrote:
>> If we here to integrate a queue functionality in web2py what features
>> would you consider most valuable?
>> I can three different applications:
>> 1) a message queue (one app sends a message, another one receives it)
>> 2) a task queue (an app can submit a task to be executed later): task
>> is executed by a remote process (or cloud)
>> 3) a task queue: task is executed by the app itself (in a separate
>> thread) but triggered by a queue callback.
>> There is some overlap but they are subject to different optimizations.
>> 2) could be a compatibility layer on top of google's task queue.

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