On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 2:24 PM, apple <simo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When should you use AJAX rather than a standard web request? At what
> level of usage would I find the page refresh method becomes a
> performance issue?

I think it's best you take a look at examples on the Web and use
whatever pattern you find makes sense. Various web serivces and how
they use AJAX. Gmail would be a perfect example. Imagine Gmail
refreshing a page every time. It would have to reload the HTML, then
the browser would have to ask server for all static stuff, and it
would get 304 (Not modified) on most of them, but you still waste the
requests, etc. With AJAX, you only request for the actual data.

Also, I'd suggest you use JSON as a return value, and use a jQuery
templating system[1] to make the HTML that you would inject into the

I'm actually going a bit further, and currently experimenting with a
simple one-file Python script[2] on the server-side and tons of
JavaScript client-side. Basically, the idea is to use the server as a
mere extension of the app, and most of the app is written in
JavaScript (mootools[3]), using JSONRPC plugin I've developed

[1] http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jquerytemplate
[2] http://json-rpc.org/wiki/python-json-rpc
[3] http://mootools.net/
[4] http://mootools.net/forge/p/jsonrpc

Branko Vukelić


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Gimp Brushmakers Guild

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