On Dec 3, 2010, at 9:32 AM, Fran wrote:
> On Dec 3, 6:17 am, Jonathan Lundell <jlund...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> Rocket 1.2.0 (web2py's embedded web server) is now in the trunk.
>> It have various improvements, which perhaps Tim will describe. There is one 
>> user-visible interface change that might affect some of you. In the previous 
>> version, Rocket's min_threads and max_threads were 10 and 1024 respectively. 
>> The cli (and winservice options) --numthreads option allowed the user to 
>> override min_threads.
>> In the new version, the Rocket defaults are 10 and 0 (meaning no upper 
>> limit), and the cli options are --minthreads and --maxthreads (--numthreads 
>> is provided for compatibility, meaning the same as --minthreads, >but is 
>> deprecated).
>> If you're running CPython, my impression is that you need to do nothing, and 
>> if you've been ignoring thread-count options, also do nothing. If you've 
>> been patching maxthreads, the new default of 0 may work fine for >you, and 
>> if not you now have command-line access to it. Tim suggests increasing 
>> minthreads to 64 for a production server.
>> If you're running winservice, numthreads is now ignored; you must use 
>> minthreads and maxthreads (assuming that you want something other than the 
>> defaults).
> Sounds good...however my Windows service no longer starts as of this
> version:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "C:\Bin\web2py\gluon\winservice.py", line 46, in SvcDoRun
>    self.start()
>  File "C:\Bin\web2py\gluon\winservice.py", line 113, in start
>    min_threads=options.minthreads,
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'minthreads'
> My options.py has numthreads = 10 still (I see options_std.py still
> just has numthreads not minthreads) but it's supposed to be backward-
> compatible anyway.

I sent Massimo a patch that will retain backward compatibility.

However, users of winservice should add:

minthreads = None
maxthreads = None

to their options.py. You can leave numthreads there for compatibility with 
older versions, but it can be deleted for the new version once that 
compatibility is unneeded.

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