>You don't. :) qxd is for fat-client apps, and you don't need much HTML
>there. I actually fully agree with this. If you want to make a
>desktop-like application, you really don't need to worry about CSS nad
>HTML. You need a standard way to create windows, add buttons, and the
>actual looks are mere skins (just like GTK or QT themes).

So it seems that it will need to hack around pretty much to put jqGrid
inside one of the qooxdoo window. as jqGrid need an element with an id
which can be slected by jquery.

>[1] http://qxrad.sourceforge.net/
>[2] http://www.gmx.com/

I am checking them out!

On 12/6/10, Branko Vukelic <bg.bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:46 AM, Phyo Arkar <phyo.arkarl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I agree all the awesomeness and powerfulness of qxd but as i has been
>> spoiled by jQuery and i hated java with a passion [I had to use java
>> all previous years for a IP-Camera project ,i developed an UDP Hole
>> punching + UPNP firewall punching + IRC Communicateble agent for
>> camera and browser (Applet) ] I found syntax of qxd , unacceptable for
>> a moment.
> I've learned some time ago, that appearances are deceiving. You miss
> out on a lot of fun if you concern yourself with such things as
> syntax. Erlang has a syntax that looks rather scary at first glance,
> but underneath that appearance you find one of the most advanced
> programming languages today.
>> I will try to learn it when i have spare time.
> Just so you know, the example twitter app is now broken because of the
> twitter API change. They almost promised the app won't be fixed any
> time soon, because the fix requires the mandatory Oauth, which would
> make a tutorial on its own.
>> One thing what its hard about it is , i dont know how to implement
>> normal HTML stuff inside it
> You don't. :) qxd is for fat-client apps, and you don't need much HTML
> there. I actually fully agree with this. If you want to make a
> desktop-like application, you really don't need to worry about CSS nad
> HTML. You need a standard way to create windows, add buttons, and the
> actual looks are mere skins (just like GTK or QT themes).
>> Yes my application , developing currently really need UI Framework
>> like that. It is completely a web application , which need desktop
>> like features. i am even thinking i may use flex for it in next
>> version. It is a Forensic File indexing and search engine + Review
>> platform.
> Sounds like a job for qooxdoo. :P
> Believe me, if you go into larger (or even medium size) apps where you
> have multiple types of windows, each with tons of different widgets,
> keeping stuff organized the way they are organized in qooxdoo (i.e.,
> well) is a great speed-up, especially if you take into account the
> namespace issues, asynchronous execution, etc. You just don't want to
> mess with these things. I thought Dojo was a good thing at the
> beginning, but even that gets out of hand at some point because it
> lacks the organizational structure to support your UI. qxd even has
> 3rd party GUI designers[1] available thanks thanks to its great
> organization of code.
> Also, take a look at one of the real-life examples of qooxdoo in
> action. It's GMX[2], a free e-mail service. I've signed up to see what
> it's like, and I was pretty amazed by how well it works considering
> it's all JavaScript-driven and all.
> [1] http://qxrad.sourceforge.net/
> [2] http://www.gmx.com/
> --
> Branko Vukelić
> bg.bra...@gmail.com
> stu...@brankovukelic.com
> Check out my blog: http://www.brankovukelic.com/
> Check out my portfolio: http://www.flickr.com/photos/foxbunny/
> Registered Linux user #438078 (http://counter.li.org/)
> I hang out on identi.ca: http://identi.ca/foxbunny
> Gimp Brushmakers Guild
> http://bit.ly/gbg-group

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