On Dec 17, 2010, at 12:19 AM, LightDot wrote:
> SEO experts and "SEO experts" who use Delicious for ranking optimization will 
> have a lot of work on their hands these days :)
> Yahooo should have sold the service rather than close it, IMHO.

There's some confusion on that score.

What’s Next for Delicious?
John Gruber
12/17/10 12:51 PM
Daring Fireball
The actual blog is slammed, so here it is from Google’s cache:

Is Delicious being shut down? And should I be worried about my data?

No, we are not shutting down Delicious. While we have determined that there is 
not a strategic fit at Yahoo!, we believe there is a ideal home for Delicious 
outside of the company where it can be resourced to the level where it can be 

What is Yahoo! going to do with Delicious?

We’re actively thinking about the future of Delicious and we believe there is a 
home outside the company that would make more sense for the service and our 
users. We’re in the process of exploring a variety of options and talking to 
companies right now. And we’ll share our plans with you as soon as we can.

Note that Yahoo does not dispute that the entire Delicious team has been fired, 
though. What kind of sense does this make? We’d like to sell the service, find 
it a new home, and to help, we’ve fired the entire product team, effective 


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