Making appadmin available to all users is very dangerous because
appadmin allows you to write ANY python in the search string. It is a
major vulnerability if you give other users access to it.

Instead of>0 one can type for example [os.unlink[f] for f
in os.listdir('./')].


On Jan 29, 12:11 am, mart <> wrote:
> Hey this is nice! Makes it easy to create a group of admins! :)
> Also, you can always make appAdmin open & available for your app to
> all users (its trivial to do really), although i don't see any
> benefit. hum.... come to think of it, its probably a bug. I like
> Bruno's script better than handing the keys to everyone because you
> can add filters and apply them to groups.
> Mart :)
> On Jan 28, 8:16 am, Bruno Rocha <> wrote:
> > I use something like this:
> > </app/controllers/>
> > @auth.requires_membership('admin')
> > def index():
> >     args = request.args
> >     title = 'Administration'
> >     if not args:
> >         link = UL(*[LI(A(tab,_href=URL(args=tab))) for tab in db.tables])
> >         return dict(items=link,title=title)
> >     if not args(1):
> >         i = 0
> >     else:
> >         i =1
> >     for tab in db.tables:
> >         if tab==args(i):
> >             tb = db[tab]
> >     if args(0)=='edit':
> >         form = crud.update(tb, args(2),next=URL(f='admin',args=args(1)))
> >         items = None
> >         titulo = 'Edit %s ' % args(i)
> >     else:
> >         form = crud.create(tb)
> >         rows = db().select(tb.ALL)
> >         items = SQLTABLE(rows,linkto='editar')
> >         titulo = 'Insert %s ' % args(i)
> >     return dict(form=form,items=items,title=title)
> > </app/controllers/>
> > Bruno Rocha

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