Hey Massimo:

Let me try to explain it:

End goal:
Display the total amount of non-duplicated items inserted every date.

I have the logs table that has many items that are inserted at a given
date (item a, b, c, d, etc) . The problem is that the same item might
get inserted several times at the same date. But i just want to count
that as only one item.

The inner:

       logs.date, logs.items
   FROM logs
       extract(year from logs.date) = 2010)
   GROUP BY date, items

gets rid of the duplicated items, but still have several rows for the
same day (for unique items).

That's the reason I have the main select (besides applying some other
WHERE clauses that I took out for the sake of simplicity).

I could actually do this query as a single one by using
count(distinct(foo.items)) in the main select, but that's still not
supported by web2py (i'm following the other thread about that).

Hope I clarify the point Massimo, thanks for taking the time to look at this!


On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
<massimo.dipie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Before we try write is? Can you explain it? There is a condition on
> stcok that seems a inner join but nothing is selected from the stock
> table.
> On Jan 28, 2:16 pm, "beto (R3)" <bet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey guys:
>> Is there a way to do this query in DAL?
>>     date, count(foo.items)
>> (
>>     SELECT
>>         logs.date, logs.items
>>     FROM logs
>>     WHERE
>>         extract(year from logs.date) = 2010)
>>     GROUP BY date, items
>> ) AS foo, stock
>>     stock.items = foo.items
>> GROUP by date
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> thanks!

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