Once I have idea for seamless moving from joomla for web2py.
Stoped on attaching to joomla users table and joomla coocke of
loggined in.

Maing goal was to use links in joomla site to web2py functions which
should use user auth from joomla.
And with several steps move completely to web2py or share functions
along two application (joomla and web2py part)

On 2 фев, 18:46, Carl <m...@carlroach.com> wrote:
> has anyone direct experience of using Wordpress, SquareSpace or
> similar solution alongside Web2py?
> These solutions appeal for their maturity and I'd like to use one to
> do the "donkey" work and fall back to Web2py to do my site's specific
> functionality.
> Without them I feel like I'm reinventing needlessly.

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