I would like to sort records on a field such that NULL values get
sorted to the end. In MySQL the suggested solution is to use ISNULL.
For example

    SELECT name FROM person ORDER BY ISNULL(name), name;

I tried other approaches such as sorting the rows returned from a
select but they were not practical as all records need to be retrieved
and in the application I am working on I only want a subset (ie. I am
using limitby)

I was able to implement this in web2py with the following patch.


    class BaseAdapter(ConnectionPool):

        def ISNULL(self,first):
            return 'ISNULL(%s)' % self.expand(first)

    class Expression(object):

        def isnull(self):
            return Expression(self.db, self.db._adapter.ISNULL, self,
None, self.type)

Is there any desire for this feature in the trunk? I haven't given any
consideration to databases other than MySQL. I would be willing to dig
into this further if there is interest.

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