I'd like to see some FAQ topics that can be pointed to on the usual FUD 
about Web2py.  For instance:

In web2py the code you write for the controller layer (views) goes into 
files that are not Python modules because they don't include any imports to 
give context to external identifiers. Web2py loads, compiles, and executes 
those modules at runtime passing a global context using Python's exec() 
function. That strange (and unjustified) way of doing things disables 
important capabilities of modern IDEs (code completion, code hints, help, 
static checking, refactoring) because those files are not Python modules. It 
also makes it very difficult to write unit tests for the controller layer, 
because the global runtime context of web2py cannot be mocked.

I tried to look for the Google thread in which Massimo addressed these and 
other issues, but the search didn't easily retrieve it, and though I knew 
that I had participated in it my profile history only showed posts thru the 
end of 2010.  

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