I am trying to include an enclosure using web2py's generic.rss view

here is the function I am using in my controller: 

however, when I go to 
the enclosure (or the simple comment that I am using as a test) do not

I looked at http://www.web2py.com/book/default/chapter/09?search=rss#RSS
and this seems to be in line with the example.

I also looked at gluon.contrib.rss2.py and I see that in the RSSItem
function, on line 509, there appears to be some anticipation of
including an enclosure as part of an item in the feed.

Tell me, does anyone have any suggestions on how I might make this
work?  Am I looking in the wrong place, should I be looking in

Wait... I think I just answered my question... so I guess now the
question is, what is the best way to customize gluon.serializers.rss
or how to use gluon.contrib.rss2.py instead.

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