2011/4/29 luckysmack <luckysm...@gmail.com>:
> python-gluon and python-web2py dont seem to be in the ubuntu repos. I
> found a .deb file here http://pkgs.org/package/python-gluon but i want
> to get some feedback first if anyone knows a better way. a few quick
> searches didnt show anything about adding a repo to ubuntu to make it
> available.

Ubuntu is a debian derivative. Ubuntu people sync their packages from
Debian unstable repository periodically.
Web2py packages are in Debian since less than a couple of weeks.
Ubuntu released a new version yesterday, so I supposse they'll take
the packages soon. The packages that are in Debian are exactly the
same that Ubuntu will take, so  you can use them if you're using a
recent Ubuntu version, because Ubuntu is not going to modify them.

José L.

> On Apr 28, 10:50 pm, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez <jredr...@debian.org>
> wrote:
>> 2011/4/29 luckysmack <luckysm...@gmail.com>:
>> > Pretty much like the title says. This is also for things like when i
>> > open up a i/b/python shell, it would be cool to just be able to run
>> > 'import gluon' or 'from gluon import foo'. Im sure this would also
>> > have other benefits as well, but im not sure. I tried doing 'import
>> > sys' and 'sys.path.append("/srv/sites/web2py/gluon")' but that didnt
>> > seem to work. i also tried it without the/gluon part. Is it worth it
>> > to do this? otherwise i can get the effect by opening a terminal and
>> > going to the web2py directory, opening the python shell and importing
>> > like that. This culd also be handy when running python scripts that
>> > are in different places on the system and wanting to be able to import
>> > something from gluon.
>> Using a Debian distribution (or any of its derivatives) you can
>> install the debian package python-gluon 
>> (http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/web2py.html) . When installing it,
>> gluon is available in the python path.
>> Regards.

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