Me thinks of an HTML version in Javascript built into web2py.
Me faints.

On 05/30/2011 05:39 PM, Mariano Reingart wrote:
@mart: yes, the visual designer requires only wxpython (and pyfpdf).

I'm working on html conversion enhancements and there are some advance
on utf-8 support, they will be fixed soon.

Best regards,

Mariano Reingart

Mariano Reingart

On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 2:19 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
<>  wrote:
In trunk, web2py tries to use markmin2pdflatex is installed. If not it
uses pyfpdf. pyfpdf fails on some html, for example if table do not
follow the pyfpdf specs. I believe Marino is working on making pyfpdf
more forgiving.


On May 29, 10:39 pm, Christopher Steel<>  wrote:
I am going try things out again when I get a chance. This stuff is
just great. I love the fact that we build on a solid API so in the end
we get the GUI and command line and API access for developers and the
blind. It totally rocks!!!

Markmin to PDF would be very interesting as well..


On May 27, 12:08 pm, Mariano Reingart<>  wrote:

Regarding PyFPDF:
Headers should be rendered.
Tables need at least a first  TH, prior any TD, who indicates column
width (and it is wise to use THEAD and TBODY when you have multiple
pages), see:
<table border="0" align="center" width="50%">
<thead><tr><th width="30%">Header 1</th><th width="70%">header
<tr><td>cell 1</td><td>cell 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>cell 2</td><td>cell 3</td></tr>
I'm planning to fix this issues, to cover more basic html conversions.
You can see what can do pyfpdf in this 
BTW, did you see the new visual designer of pdf templates?
It is a wx application, and I'm planning to connect it using DAL to
ease template/report generation (I think this is much easier and
manageable way  than converting html).
Best regards,
Mariano Reingart
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:35 AM, Massimo Di Pierro
<>  wrote:
There are still does not render headers and tables...
On May 26, 11:06 pm, Massimo Di Pierro<>
I just made a change to trunk about. the new generic.pdf uses pyfpdf
and it is smart in locating files for including images.
On May 26, 10:44 pm, Christopher Steel<>  wrote:
I think report.pdf required reportlab? Massimo had an application for
creating forms that used markmin and latex.
This web2py app includes a plugin that implements an assortment of pdf
stuff (mostly your implementation of pyfpdf and the report.pdf, was
that a Google thing?.
Anyway the plugin is handy for testing and experimenting and includes
some other PDF examples, one with a different font.
If you need some testing let me know, I love PDF's
On May 26, 3:48 pm, Mariano Reingart<>  wrote:
Putting the following code in generic.pdf and getting report.pdf does not work?
(also, per default there is a generic.pdf made by massimo that uses
markmin and latex if I remember it correctly)
from gluon.contrib.pyfpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin
from gluon.sanitizer import sanitize
class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin):
html=response.render('%s/%s.html' %
html = sanitize(html, escape=False)
response.write(pdf.output(dest='S'), escape=False)
Mariano Reingart, 
May 26, 2011 at 4:30 PM, luifran<>  wrote:
if I have a view , for example report.html, how I render this view in
pdf with the generic pdf?
On 4 oct 2010, 17:08, Mariano Reingart<>  wrote:
On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 1:10 AM, mdipierro<>  wrote:
I am sure this can also be done and better with pyfpdf but I have not
tried. Perhaps Mariano can help us
Having latest web2py versions (including pyfpdf), write in a views/generic.pdf:
---- begin file ----
from gluon.contrib.pyfpdf import FPDF, HTMLMixin
from gluon.sanitizer import sanitize
class MyFPDF(FPDF, HTMLMixin):
html=response.render('%s/%s.html' %
html = sanitize(html, escape=False)pdf.write_html(html)
response.write(pdf.output(dest='S'), escape=False)
---- end file---
At MyFPDF class you can add headers and footers.
The sanitize part is to strip some HTML tags that cannot be rendered
(ie. javascript).
As some DIVs contents and similar may still pass (like menus), a
better alternative may be render only certains portions of the page in
a custom view:
pdf.write_html(str(XML(CENTER(section), sanitize=False)))
Best regards,
Mariano Reingart

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