
should give you the binary definition of the file, I am using it with

Bruno Rocha
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On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 11:43 AM, jc <> wrote:

> I wish to upload a file, then process it without storing it in the
> upload folder (or anywhere else on the file system). I am trying to
> use the 'SQLFORM.Factory' because it gives me the nice html table of
> input fields, and the normal 'if form.accepts' processing for
> convenience. I thought I could persuade the form to upload and store
> the file contents in 'request.vars.field.file' for processing.
> Nothing I have tried so far in the field definition has allowed me to
> access the contents of the file in a variable, without it being stored
> to disk. Can anybody advise me what is the simplest way to achieve
> this?
> Thanks.

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