from what I can see it pushes further variuos uses of the "old"
functions "from gluon.html import verifyURL" to verify the hashed URL
and URL(hmac_key='...') to generate the hashed one. Basically it's a
method that "appends" a variable (as
"_signature=djhdsajhdasjhdasjhdas" parameter in the URL) to allow only
the designated user access the specified URL. (nice for protecting
some ajax calls, for example ^_^)

On 1 Giu, 21:38, szimszon <> wrote:
> - URL(...,user_signature=True), LOAD(...,user_signature=True) can sign
> urls and @auth.requires_signature() will check the signature for any
> decorated action.
> Sorry for a stupid question but what is an url signature how does it work?

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