I don't know very well web2py internals (in the book at chapter 04
seems to behave like "all operations inside a function are executed
inside a transaction, if an exception raises all opened transaction
are rollbacked").
If it is like explained in web2py book this is the right "way" to do
"normal" transactions in a stateless world (like the web one).
In this default behaviour, if Alice hasn't "finished" the function and
Bob "starts" the same function, sure there will happen race conditions
(Bob istantiate a transaction while Alice's one is not committed yet)

chapter/06#commit-and-rollback gives you a hint...

If you need to avoid the behaviour you explained, you need a different
table design, but for the sake of discussion.....: before showing "you
booked resource X", wouldn't db.commit() and re-selecting the record
watching again the "occupied" value solve the problem ?

On 1 Giu, 07:40, Mathew Grabau <grabau....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes - that is exactly the problem that transactions are intended to
> take care of.
> What would writing raw SQL do? Raw SQL statements (unless explicitly
> contained in a transaction) would be executed outside of the
> transaction and therefore still vulnerable.
> On May 31, 6:57 pm, David J <da...@styleflare.com> wrote:
> > I am confused. Isn't this exactly what transactions are for?
> > On May 31, 2011 7:54 PM, "pbreit" <pbreitenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > We aren't talking about a bank account (and even if we were, that's why
> > > banks rely on reconciliation procedures), we are talking about a booking
> > > system. It's like security, you're never 100%, just as close to 100% as
> > you
> > > need to be.

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