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On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 1:44 AM, ron_m <> wrote:

> I figured out the problem. The Javascript generated looks like this:
> web2py_trap_form('('/app/default/testajax.load',)','c831268503949');
> which is illegal because the single quotes around the URL terminate the
> single quotes of the first parameter for web2py_trap_form
> It looks like a string '(' then /app/default..... is no longer inside
> quotes.
> Line 148 of in version 1.96.1 has the line
>    js = "web2py_trap_form('%s','%s');" % (link, target)
> I traded the quotes around in the Python code like so
>    js = 'web2py_trap_form("%s","%s");' % (link, target)
> so the output would change to look like
> web2py_trap_form("('/app/default/testajax.load',)","c831268503949");
> which is legal Javascript and now I get no errors.
> A second question is why the link is a set, the output formating seems to
> indicate that. I don't know enough to know whether the first element should
> be dereferenced e.g. link[0] instead of just link. Then there would not be 2
> sets of single quotes atcked in the output.
> Ron

Sebastian E. Ovide

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