It's supposed to be a ready-to-use asyncronous upload (could be a widget,
later) with load indicator, but I don't know how to integrate with my form.
In fact, I get no errors on console (as the author say after set debug:
true) but still my upload fails. I can tested with rocket and
apache+mod_wsgi, but probably should blame my implementation:

def post():
    form = SQLFORM.factory(

    if form.accepts(request.vars,session):
        response.flash = 'ok'
    elif form.errors:
        response.flash = 'no'
    return locals()

### VIEW:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<div id="fileuploader">
        <p>Please enable JavaScript to use file uploader.</p>
        <!-- or put a simple form for upload here -->


var uploader = new qq.FileUploader({
    // pass the dom node (ex. $(selector)[0] for jQuery users)
    element: document.getElementById('fileuploader'),
    // path to server-side upload scripts
    action: 'post',
    debug: true,

thank you for your time

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