Thanks, pbreit, for the link!  Long thread!!!

I read it all, but am still unclear how to force registration with a 
pre-defined name and email
(I'll have DB entries such that each unique invite token is associated with 
a pre-defined name and email).

I was hoping to do something like this:

def user():

if request.args(0)=='invite':
# person has clicked on their invite  which takes them to  

# use the token to look up name and email
invite_info = db( db.invite.token == request.vars.token ).select().first()

form = auth()   # ??? how to make it a registration form ???

# ? Somehow, insert predefined name and email into registration form,
#    and make them READONLY

? form.first_name = invite_info.first_name
? how to make the field READONLY ? (I think I should change the db.auth 
definition in !)

? form.last_name = ...
?  = ....

return dict(form=form)

However (aside from not knowing how to set the fields), this does not work: 
- a simple test case with dummy code returns 404 Not Found  unless  I 
comment out the call to   form=auth()

the test case:

          form = 

          response.view = 

          return dict(msg='hello', magic='banana', results='tada') 

(commenting  out form=auth()   makes it fine, otherwise 404 Not Found)

I suppose auth()  was not designed to be manipulated this way?

Ultimately, what I don't know how to do is to create a registration form 
with predefined name and email, so the user just has to pick a password.


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