Can you share some example app or model + controller code t reproduce the

Do you have a Traceback ticket error? what message, what file/line?

The erro occurs when running the mentioned controller, or qhen doing some
other action on this?

Need more onfo to help tracking this issue.


On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 2:50 AM, niknok <> wrote:

> **
> While using crud, I sometimes define headers for *some* fields listed in
> the fields argument. This works until I upgraded to 1.97.1 and now I get an
> error if I do not define the headers for *all* fields listed in the fields
> argument.
> For example, the following code no longer works
>                     ,query=((db.address.owner_is==address_owner)&
> (db.address.owner_is_person==address_owner_is_person))
>                     ,fields=[''
>                                 ,'address.line_1'
>                                 ,'address.is_type'
>                                 ,'']
>                     ,headers={'':'#'
>                                 ,'address.line_1':'Street address'
>                                 ,'':'Country'})
> until I add a header for address.is_type, too.
> Is this a bug or a new feature?


Bruno Rocha
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