
As part of the login process, I need the user to make a choice (select one 
of the multiple versions of the site he has access to, for example), before 
being redirected to whatever  _login_next  is.

Is it possible for a  login_onaccept  callback  to present a  view with a 

My naive approach does not seem to work.  What is the proper way to augment 
the login process with user interaction?


Here is the barebones code, to illustrate what I am trying to do:

def user_choice(form_login):
      form = SQLFORM.factory(
          Field('choices', requires=IS_IN_SET(['a','b','c'])))
      if form.accepts( request.vars, session ):
          session.flash='It works!'
      return dict(form=form)

  auth.settings.login_onaccept = user_choice

# views/default/user_choice.html

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