Dear friends,

I am a huge web2py fan and would like to propose an idea to the

I understand that web2py is a development environment and has it’s
roots as an educational platform. One of the things that I have
personally found most useful are the free appliances. However as
web2py has matured over time a lot of these have become dated and as
new developments have emerged I have often been confused about best
practices going forward.

I would like to propose that we develop a suite of products (open
source of course) based on the best practices of web2py that would be:

Useful and usable by non-programmers
Serve as a focal point for the community on just how great web2py
could be
Serve as a template for developers

To be clear the idea is to create a separate project from web2py
itself and then find the best of breed products and develop them in
web2py. Things like:

A Wiki / Blog / CMS / Forum
An Online Store
A Personal Accounting System
A Media Center
etc ...

The focus would be on producing complete usable and beautiful

I feel that the creation of a separate project will have some
important advantages such as:

We can create a “brand” around the products.
It will not “hijack” the core web2py focus.
Can have separate focus such as functionality and look and feel
Can include complimentary, tested projects such as open source icons
and skins
Can have it’s own development cycle, (eg release every 6 months)
Can have it’s own repositories etc.

Ultimately the products could be made available by web hosts just by
the click of a button just like the php ones are now.

I am very interested in the thoughts of the community and if there is
interest I will move to the next step and create a site (probably on
GAE) for further discussion such as:

decide on a name
decide on goals
decide on processes
find a home
decide on products
etc ...

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