No problem be as criticl as you wish.

> Please do not take my critique in a bad way, but be very careful when
> adding "blocks of code" in your views, I understand the example above
> is just a "code sample" to illustrate a perceived deficiency in the
> view templating system, but unless you are a PHP developer, this just
> looks "ugly", If you have to define variables inside your views, there
> most likely is a problem with the design IMO.  In the general sense,
> variables _control[ler]_ program flow, please place them where they
> belong, even though web2py allows this, and there is even a section
> for this in the book (adding full-fledged python code inside a view
> (html) page), it doesn't mean you "must" use it.
> There are exceptions as always, you may need to use python code in a
> view, or html code in a controller, there is nothing "wrong" with
> that, but it should be that, exceptions, please do not turn web2py
> into another PHP-like web development environment and further fuel
> those that want to see us struggle... Thanks.

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