On Jul 29, 11:17 am, flebber <flebber.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 27, 11:45 pm, Johann Spies <johann.sp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 27 July 2011 14:08, flebber <flebber.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I installed web2py into a virtualenv in my ubuntu install. When
> > > reading the book it states to start web2py with "python web2py.py -S
> > > welcome" however I don't appear to have web2py in my directory.
> > Are you referring to web2py or web2py.py in that directory?
> > > directory being  /home/sayth/.virtualenvs/learnWeb2py/bin
> > > the most likely candidate is runweb2py Is that what I should be using?
> > python web2py.py -S welcome
> > should work if you run it in the directory where web2py was installed.
> > There should be a file named web2py.py.
> > Regards
> > Johann
> > --
> >  May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the full knowledge of God
> > and of Jesus our Lord!  His divine power has given us everything we need for
> > life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by
> > his own glory and excellence.
> >                                                     2 Pet. 1:2b,3a
> I can see from the install from pip that web2py.py isn't installed.
> (learn272)sayth@sayth-TravelMate-5740G:~$ pip install web2py
> Downloading/unpacking web2py
>   Downloading web2py-1.96.4.tar.gz (4.7Mb): 4.7Mb downloaded
>   Running setup.py egg_info for package web2py
> Installing collected packages: web2py
>   Running setup.py install for web2py
>     changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/mkweb2pyenv from 644 to 755
>     changing mode of build/scripts-2.7/runweb2py from 644 to 755
>     changing mode of /home/sayth/.virtualenvs/learn272/bin/mkweb2pyenv
> to 755
>     changing mode of /home/sayth/.virtualenvs/learn272/bin/runweb2py
> to 755
> Successfully installed web2py
> Cleaning up...
> (learn272)sayth@sayth-TravelMate-5740G:~$

Guess the motto is shouldn't install web2py via pip .


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