Hi Guys,
I am having some trouble running GAE on ubuntu 11.04, as I understand,
GAE doesnt support python 2.7, so i installed python2.5 but whenever I
try to run it, I get error messages. I am thinking of doing the
following things but I dont really know how to proceed:
1. How do I completely uninstall the Python2.5 I installed and install
it again as I compiled it from source and it always complains about
missing libraries e.g. SSL, _sqlite3 whenever I try to run Python2.5
2. Will using virtualenv to create a sandbox and run GAE solve the
problem? But wont the Python2.5 which I installed in (1) still give
the missing library errors? if it will then uninstalling python2.5
completely from my ubuntu box would be the way to go? Or can I install
another Python2.5 in my virtualenv sandbox?
P.S: I have never used virtualenv before so forgive my newbie
questions about it.
I really need help concerning this, thanks for your rapid response.


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