I can't answer to all your questions...

But I will try to help about some of your point...

First, welcome in Web2py crew ;-)

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 12:08 PM, Eric Scott <erictransla...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I'm new to web2py but find it a vast improvement over the PHP-based
> web framework I was using before, and so I'm already using web2py to
> develop my next web app.  At the same time, I find myself in a
> situation where I'm needing to use several different computers to do
> my work.  See I need to find a way to keep up-to-date copies of my app
> on each computer (web-based admin is great for web2py but I would
> prefer to use an IDE).  I've never used a DVCS before, but it's clear
> that Mercurial would be a good solution to my multi-computer problem.
> I'm also considering releasing the code as open source once I'm
> finished, so already having it on Mercurial would be an added
> benefit.  I'm starting to play around with Mercurial and understand
> the basics, but I have a couple of questions about using Mercurial
> with web2py.
> 1)  I've set up a system where I have a repository set up on each of
> my work computers, and one set up on Bitbucket to push to as the
> central repository.  I intend to set a Mercurial repo up on my web
> server to pull from the bitbucket but I ran into several issues with
> www-data user and permissions while setting mercurial up on a server
> similar to what will eventually be my production server.  Would using
> the built-in experimental mercurial feature of web2py offer a way
> around this problem?  Or should I avoid setting up mercurial on a
> production server altogether?
I would not run mercurial on my prod server... What I do for my part to
deploy app I tag version clone my app under a different name concat with the
version number of my "build" in my dev folder... Since web2py is evolving
really fast I have many dev folder one for every stable version of web2py...
I can move my app along to the new version when I had enough time to test it
carefully and I am confident with the stability of the web2py version...
When I want to push in prod I have wrote a littler script that backup my
actual app dans paste my new cloned app+version under app in place, change
persmission restart apache and I am good to go. I clear all the mercurial
stuff from my deployed build since I think it could slow down my app (not
sure of that)...

I use the dev http server built web2py for developping...

I would love to have good IDE, but for now I use built in web editor or when
it is to slow (long file) I switch to enhanced gedit with autocompletion
plugin and some other plugin... There is aslo an other text editor you can
ativate as a built in editor "Amy" I think... You should search about that
on the mailing-list...

There is a way to use Eclipse as IDE, but there is still some glitch I

With the web2py mercurial feature as far as I know you can't manage branch
because you can't merge... It could have change, but the book says that...

> 2)  I intend to use PostgreSQL for my app.  Does that mean I will need
> to set up Postgres for each of my repos or can I just use SQLite with
> those?  I assume this would involve appropriate use of .hgignore.  Can
> anyone point me to a good tutorial on using Mercurial (or even Git or
> Bazaar) with database-driven websites?
Depending of the complexity of your projet, you will rapidly be undable to
switch from Postgres to SQlite on the fly... Deploying on each dev machine
is pretty easy if you use the installation script distribute with web2py...

I you find a simple way to get your database schema under version control I
will appreciate. I have a couple of links talking about that, but I still
have to figure out how I will manage it.

If your app is containing all your DB schema as web2py models (so no view or
store procedure or trigger) you already have your schema under version
control as web2py model...

> Just to be clear, I only want to use Mercurial for my own web app at
> the present time.  I hope to contribute to web2py development in the
> future, once I have a better understanding of the framework and have
> fully transitioned from PHP to Python (which is happening much quicker
> than I expected).
> I know this is more of a Mercurial question than it is a web2py one,
> but given the project's use of Mercurial and its experimental
> integrated Mercurial feature, I thought it would not be entirely
> inappropriate to ask my question here.
> Thank you in advance.
> Eric


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