I'm sure this is a very fundamental Win2py or Python thing.   I'm such
a Noob.

I am writing a database populator program that I would like to run
outside the framework
to fill the database with test data.
I have been struggling with importing the models from the
application.  Here's what I've tried:

I put my standalone app in "web2py\alone" subdirectory

to point to web2py directory, I use:
more_path = ".."+os.sep
if more_path in sys.path:
then I find the model directory
model_path = os.path.abspath("..\\applications\\myapp\\models")
 and add it to sys.path in a similar way
I try to import the database connection with:
import db
which complains there is no 'request'variable
so I decided to open it directly with
from gluon.dal import DAL, Field
db = DAL('sqlite://storage.sqlite')
Then when I try to import the data table statements
import pdpb # define the data tables
which complains there is no 'db'

I guess I need a form of import which is more like #include statements
in C or assembly programming.

Is this a scoping and/or namespace issue?

How does the web2py framework seem to load the different .py files
of a model prior to running the controller code yet have request,
response variables available prior to executing the model code?

while waiting for replies, I'll just have to put the database initter
into a controller
function inside the framework. (I really don't want to have multiple
copies of duplicate table definition code.)

In summary, I'd like to create a python program outside the web2py
framework, using the same model files as used by the framework, so the
program looks somewhat like:
### some kind of path setups
import db     # get database connection
import pbdb   # get table definitions
db.employee.insert(last_name="Smith", first_name="Rufus")

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