Several times a day I navigate away from an editor page, either with
forward or backward buttons, or a link, and sometimes I can lose a
considerable amount of changes (and disturb the thought process...)

Isn't there a way we can prevent the web page from being navigated
away while the edit window has changed data in it?   There are plenty
of websites that hold me captive until I dismiss their "customer
satisfaction survey" or indicate that I definitely don't want their
"deal of a lifetime".

The editor must know when the data has changed, so can't it set a flag
so you have to save or revert back changes before you can leave the
edit page.   Any ideas?

I've tried to mitigate the problem by doing my editing in a separate
window or IDE and doing the testing in another, but that removes all
those great shortcuts that the online development environment has!
Also, with the source in another editor, there's still the problem of
forgetting to save it prior to running the next test.


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