I'm using the new format of the google group and see them as attachments at the bottom of the post. I can create new ones if that helps?


On 9/14/2011 10:07 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
I do not see the screenshot. :-(
This should work, although may not work the way you want.

On Sep 14, 4:48 pm, Jim Steil<j...@qlf.com>  wrote:
In response to #3, I see what is going on now.  I'm working on a
membership database where I have the following model:

#######  db.py
member = db.define_table('member',
      Field('memberId', 'id'),
      Field('firstName', length=50, required=True, label='First Name'),
      Field('middleInitial', length=20, label='Middle Initial'),
      Field('lastName', length=50, required=True, label='Last Name'),
      Field('secondFirstName', length=50, label='Second First Name'),
      Field('secondLastName', length=50, label='Second Last Name'),
      Field('householdSalutation', length=50, label='Household Salutation'),
      Field('householdFirstName', length=50, label='Household First Name'),
      Field('businessName', length=128, label='Business Name'),
      Field('address', 'text'),
      Field('city', length=50),
      Field('state', length=2),
      Field('postalCode', length=10, label='Postal Code'),
      Field('homePhone', length=25, label='Home Phone'),
      Field('email', length=255),
      Field('legaciesBequests', 'decimal(11,2)', label='Legacies and
      Field('notes', 'text'),
      Field('joinedOn', 'date', label='Joined On',
            represent=lambda value, x: value.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')),
      Field('deceased', 'boolean', default=False))

member.firstName.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()
member.lastName.requires = IS_NOT_EMPTY()

campaign = db.define_table('campaign',
      Field('campaignId', 'id'),
      Field('name', length=50, required=True, unique=True),
      Field('start', 'date', required=True,
            represent=lambda value, x: formatDate(value)),
      Field('end', 'date',
            represent=lambda value, x: formatDate(value),

campaign.name.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
                            IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'campaign.name')]

memberCampaign = db.define_table('memberCampaign',
      Field('memberId', db.member, required=True, label='Member'),
      Field('campaignId', db.campaign, required=True, label='Campaign'),
      Field('amount', 'decimal(13,2)'),
      Field('paidOn', 'date', label='Paid On',
            represent=lambda value, x: value.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')))

memberCampaign.memberId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.member.id,
                                       '%(firstName) %(lastName)s',
                                       zero=('select member'))
memberCampaign.campaignId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.campaign.campaignId,
                                        '%(name)s', zero=('select campaign'))

tag = db.define_table('tag',
      Field('tagId', 'id'),
      Field('name', length=50, required=True, unique=True))

tag.name.requires = [IS_NOT_EMPTY(),
                       IS_NOT_IN_DB(db, 'tag.name')]

memberTag = db.define_table('memberTag',
      Field('memberId', db.member, required=True, label='Member'),
      Field('tagId', db.tag, required=True, label='Tag'))

memberTag.memberId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.member.id,
                                      '%(firstName) %(lastName)s',
                                      zero=('select member'))
memberTag.tagId.requires = IS_IN_DB(db, db.tag.id,
                                      '%(name)s', zero=('select tag'))

and the following controller

######  default.py
def members():
      columns = ['member.firstName', 'member.lastName', 'member.city',
                 'member.state', 'member.phone', 'member.joinedOn',
      orderBy = ['member.lastName']
      grid = SQLFORM.smartgrid(db.member, columns=columns, details=False)
      return dict(grid=grid)


Here are screen shots of the progression through it:

Click on memberTag

Click on Add

Not sure what this all means as I'm not sure of the intent of the
SQLFORM.smartgrid().  But, I was assuming (yes I know that's bad) that
it would create an entry form for me with the default member already

Would be fantastic if this worked.  If it is a while out, I will go
ahead and create some custom views to do this, but if it could work,
that would be fantastic.  Any thoughts?


On 9/14/2011 11:01 AM, Jim Steil wrote:

I understand that these two grid are brand new, but has anyone created
any documentation on all of the options and how to use them yet?
Here are a couple issues I'm wondering about:
1.  In reading this post -
- and looking at the images provided, how do I get the buttons to
display instead of just link text.
2.  Can I override the default links for Add and Edit?
3.  What is the difference between grid and smartgrid?
I'm happy to proof/test any documentation that is in progress.  I'm
just eager to get to work with these great new tools.

Jim Steil
VP of Information Technology
Quality Liquid Feeds, Inc.
608.935.2345 office
608.341.9896 cell

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