Do you have anything else running on that webserver? If you had only Seaside before all defaults where pointing to Seaside but after taking web2py into your configuration files and depending on in what order different settings where loaded some default settings might have changed and not pointing to Seaside anymore.

I resolved the problem. It turns out that I needed to insert Location
directives into the Apache configuration in order to grant access to
the Seaside app. Why I didn't need these directives *before* I
deployed web2py confounds me. Apparently, web2py did *something* to
force my hand.


On Oct 8, 6:53 pm, horridohobbyist<>  wrote:
Now that I think about it, I'm wondering:  Is web2py actually using
its internal server? I installed web2py using the One Step Production
Deployment recipe in the Official web2py Book. Since the Ubuntu system
with Apache2 supports WSGI, am I not using Apache instead of the
internal server? In that case, is "localhost:8000", for example, even
relevant? I'm confused.

Normally, the Seaside app was using localhost:8080 with its internal
server. How is the above interfering with that?


On Oct 8, 5:37 pm, Anthony<>  wrote:

Have you tried running web2py on a different port:
python -a your_password -i -p 8888
Also, on production, you might consider using something other than web2py's
built-in server.
On Saturday, October 8, 2011 5:22:42 PM UTC-4, horridohobbyist wrote:
I seem to have made a boo-boo. I installed web2py on a production
server that is also running a Seaside app. Like web2py, Seaside runs
its own internal server, so the app references localhost:8080, for
Since installing web2py, I can access web2py, for example, with
localhost:8000. But now, I can't access the Seaside app -- I get a
forbidden access error. I surmise that it's because localhost is no
longer Seaside's internal server but web2py's. Oops.
So how do I back out of this? More importantly, how do I make web2py
coexist with Seaside, when each runs its own internal server?
Please, I hope somebody can help me.

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