ok, that was totally helpful, thanx for all of the help.

i have gotten far, using has_membership and requires_membership often
and working perfectly, both in controllers and views.

having a bit of a problem with auth.has_permission().  i have a group/
role, auth_group id=2, called Guest and under auth_permission, id=2
also, with group_id=2 with name="News Restricted".  table_name is Null
and record_id=0.  i also have an entry under auth_user with id=2,
email 'f...@gmail.com' just for fun, and an entry under
auth_membership, id=4, with user_id=2 and group_id=2.  so all that
means is that user f...@gmail.com should be a Guest with permission
set to true for "News Restricted".  ok?

how come when f...@gmail.com is logged in, auth.has_permission('News
Restricted') proves False.  Shouldn't it be True?

thanx in advance and have a good day.  lucas

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