Dear Web2py users,

I have started playing around with Web2py. I am reading various parts
of the book. I am very satisfied with the framework and I find the
atmosphere of this mailing list very friendly. Thanks.

I have some more questions about the book.

1) Sometimes I see in the documentation "if form.process().accepted:"
and sometimes "if form.accepts(request.vars, session):". What's the
difference between the two ?

Actually the book I am reading is a few months old, and it seems that
since it was published, it has been quite modified.

I have seen that in chapter 3, all "if form.accepts(request.vars,
session):" have been replaced by "if form.process().accepted:". What's
the reason for that ?

2) On page 109 (
), I have not really understood the following sentence :

"Line 9 processes the submitted form (the submitted form variables are
in request.vars) within the current session (the session is used to
prevent double submissions, and to enforce navigation)."

Line 9 refers to : "form.accepts(request.vars, session):"

Would it be different if I would just write :
"form.accepts(request.vars):" ?

I think I understand why using the session prevents double submissions
but I am not sure.

3) On page 108 (
), there is written  :

if form.process().accepted:
    response.flash = 'your comment is posted'

On page 112 (
), there is written :

form = SQLFORM(table)
if form.process().accepted:
    session.flash = '...'

Why is it sometimes "response.flash" and sometimes "session.flash" ?

Thanks in advance,

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