perhaps we should make a list of desired features.

On Nov 4, 9:10 am, Philip Kilner <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 04/11/2011 12:39, Phyo Arkar wrote:
> > Plone itself is a beast of its own, even tho web2py is a lot easier
> > than Zope and can create something that beats Plone ,  alot easier
> > than doing it with zope, we should not try to go that way.
> There are things that Zope & Plone do with acquisition, the ZODB and its
> catalog that are hugely powerful. Having said that, the reputation for a
> "Z-shaped learning curve" is well deserved.
> Again, we need to define our terms - trying to beat Plone in terms of
> its enterprise (that word again!) CMS features would be plain daft, and
> doomed to failure with the resources available, but trying to beat Plone
> in terms of agility and accessibility to developers is a task that
> web2py is well positioned for.
> --
> Regards,
> PhilK
> 'a bell is a cup...until it is struck'

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