
I'm trying to reach a new development model with web2py, and my goal is an
application without models. (or almost no models)

why? Well, not always want to have db, auth, all tables defined in the
db, for example, where an ajax request is my intention to pass an ID and
perform a static function that does not need any of that, I would still
have to load db , auth, etc..

I so not want to use conditional models (subfolders) because I find more
easily to manage imports on top of my controllers or even inside my actions
only when it is needed.

Now with the use of current object it seems easier to avoid models, I'm
almost there! but still encounter problems, follows:

Imagine that the app has no file on models and all is contained in modules.

- modules/custom.py

*from gluon import DAL
> class DataBase(DAL):
>     def __init__(self):
>         DAL.__init__(self, uri="....", migrate_enabled=True,...,...,...,..)
> *

In the above module define an extension of DAL that creates an object of
the type DAL with all params setted
I know it is not very recommended to extend DAL in this way, but I want a
"ready and done" db just to import without the need to pass params
everytime, and I already tested defining the db = DAL() in models/0.py
which does not works too, raises the same error.


*class Article(object):
> **     def __init__(self, db):
> **          self.db = db
> **          self.define_table()*


> **     def define_table(self):*

         *from gluon.dal import Field*

***         self.entity = self.db.define_table("article",
> **                                      Field("title"),
> **                                      Field("category", "reference
> category") # if I change it to "integer" everything works fine
> **                                      )*

*     def set_validators(self): *

         *from gluon.validators import IS_IN_DB*

*         self.entity.category.requires = IS_IN_DB(self.db, "category.id")*

In the above module defines the object instance that will receive
the article DAL

- Modules / datamodel / category.py

*class Category(object):
> **    def __init__(self, db):
> **        self.db = db
> **        self.define_table()*

> **    def define_table(self):
> **        self.entity = self.db.define_table("category", Field("name"))*

My intention is to import everything I need in the top of controllers
so in controller/appadmin.py I have in the first lines.

*from custom import DataBase
> **from datamodel.article import Article
> **from datamodel.category import Category**
> **db = DataBase()
> **category = Category(db)
> **article = Article(db)*

> **def test_function():
> **     return SQLFORM(article.entity).process()*

Why not work? I always get the message *"Can not operate
in a closed database"(SQLITE)* or *"Cursor already been closed"(POSTGRES)*

if I remove "reference <type>" from my Fields, it works very well, and I am
planning to work only with "integers" as references if it cannot be solved.

The real code is in: https://github.com/rochacbruno/Movuca and it is a bit
more complex than the example code I wrote here. (just clone it in to
web2py trunk version app folder)

Any hint about it?

Thank you.


Bruno Rocha

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