On Wed, 2011-11-09 at 23:23 -0200, Bruno Rocha wrote:
> On *UNix terminal
> wget --recursive -l 1 --no-clobber --page-requisites --html-extension
> --convert-links --restrict-file-names=windows
> --domains web2py.com --no-parent http://www.web2py.com/book

This works great (somebody posted it on reply to my question some time
ago); what does the trick (and I was missing before) is the
``--html-extension`` parameter. Maybe also ``--adjust-extension`` works
the same way, but try: ``wget --help | grep html-extension``.. (returns
nothing to me). Why are always the more useful things undocumented??

Samuele ~redShadow~ Santi
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