Cool :)
Thank you

On 9 December 2011 16:40, Massimo Di Pierro <>wrote:

> Make no mistakes. This is not a minor revision. This is in preparation
> for 2.0.
> We could not call it 1.100 because it would break the old automatic
> upgrade mechanism (1 comes before 9, yikes).
> There are a huge number of bugs fixes and many improvements.
> The most important change is that the new welcome is very mobile
> friendly, it uses the skeleton flexible grid and detects mobile to
> render the menu as a dropdown and optionally compress all your css/js.
> The SQLFORM.grid is also very much improved.
> Markin now can do things like
> {{=MARKMIN('qr:')}}
> {{=MARKMIN('embed:')
> and it automatically embeds audio and video players if you just
> include a link in the text. If you have not used markmin, you should.
> There is an experimental MongoDB support.
> The new web site layout needs work but we put it out there hoping for
> more feedback.
> We ditched Launchpad and moved to GitHub and Googlecode (mirrored).
> Issue tracking is still on Googlecode but we plan to move to Github.
> The book is also coming out very soon. The book will described 1.99.3
> Thanks to all those who contributes in particular Anthony, Jonathan,
> Mariano, Ross, Angelo, Niphold, Bruno, Dave, Mark. Too may people have
> contributed small patches and they are too many to mention. I
> apologize.
> Please test it and report bugs.
> As soon as we have a mobile support in admin we will rename this 2.0.
> Massimo

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