
Begin forwarded message:

> From: <ja...@jacobian.org>
> Subject: PyCon 2012: Talk acceptance - web2py: ideas we stole and ideas we had
> Date: December 21, 2011 2:25:39 PM CST
> To: <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu>
> Dear Massimo Di Pierro,
> I'm very pleased tell you that your talk has been accepted for PyCon
> 2012 - congratulations! Please check that the details below are
> correct, and read through this email for your next steps.
>    Title: web2py: ideas we stole and ideas we had
>    URL: https://us.pycon.org/2012/schedule/presentation/112/
> We'll be publishing the list of accepted talks within 24 hours, so if
> you can no longer give this talk, please contact me immediately so I
> can find a replacement. If you need to make changes to your title or
> abstract, please contact me.
> We haven't yet completed the schedule, so we don't yet know whether
> you've been allocated a 30 or a 45 minute time slot. We'll be
> announcing the schedule shortly after the New Years, so please stay
> tuned.
> If you have particular scheduling requirements (if you plan to come to
> PyCon late or leave early, for example), please let me know as soon as
> possible so that I can take your requirements into account.
> You should register for the conference at
> https://us.pycon.org/2012/registration/ as soon as possible; early-
> bird registration ends January 10th, 2012.
> Unlike many conferences, PyCon doesn't give free tickets to speakers,
> nor do we cover travel expenses. We do this because PyCon is a
> grassroots, community- organized conference and our core mission is to
> keep costs low. Thus, we ask everybody who can afford to pay to do so.
> However, we recognize that buying tickets and paying for travel can
> represent a financial hardship to some, and we really want to see you
> at PyCon! So, if you can't afford a ticket and/or travel expenses,
> please apply for financial aid.
> More information about financial aid can be found at
> https://us.pycon.org/2012/assistance/. If you're applying, make sure
> to mention that you're an accepted speaker.  Please contact Peter
> Kropf (pkr...@gmail.com) if you've got any questions.
> If you need assistance with visas or immigration documents, please
> contact Rami Chowdhury (rami.chowdh...@gmail.com).
> If you have any other questions, comments, or feedback, please feel
> free to contact me (ja...@jacobian.org), my co-chair, Tim Lesher
> (tles...@gmail.com), or the conference chair, Jesse Noller
> (jnol...@python.org).
> On behalf of the PyCon staff, I want to thank you for your submission.
> We're really looking forward to seeing you at the conference: PyCon is
> an amazing conference because of our amazing speakers, and we're
> thrilled that you're one of them.
> See you in Santa Clara!
> Jacob Kaplan-Moss
> PyCon 2012 Program Committee Chair
> ja...@jacobian.org

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