When I try to access the  ad1 table from appadmin, a message is displayed
"Invalid Query 'name'" and the table isn't displayed. No exceptions or
tickets are generated. If I comment out the virtual field, it works fine.

What is wrong in my virtual field definition below?

                  ,Field('id_un', 'id')
                  ,Field('iso2_0', 'string', length=2)
                  ,Field('iso3_0', 'string', length=3)
                  ,Field('name', 'string', length=50)
                  ,Field('id_un', geo.country, writable=False)
                  ,Field('id_1', 'id')
                  ,Field('name', 'string', length=50)
                  ,Field('iso_1', 'string', length=3)
geo.ad1.vname=Field.Virtual(lambda r: "%s, %s" % (r.name,

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