One good feature of storage object is the 'None' returned instead of

By the way it does not break backwards compatibility because it is a
documented feature[1]

"Unlike a dictionary, if an attribute (or key) does not exist, it does not
raise an exception. Instead, it returns None."

The above statement is there for a long time and I guess storage always had
this behaviour since I am using web2py.


On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 12:53 PM, Yarin <> wrote:

> Having just upgraded from 1.99.2 to 1.99.4, I noticed that trying to
> access a with a missing key no longer returns a
> KeyError, but None. This broke my application due to the way I check
> for request vars:
>    try:
>        sort = request.vars['sort']
>    except KeyError:
>        sort = 'created'
> When the 'sort' request var is missing, this code will now assign None
> to sort instead of the default value.
> I could not find mention of this change or the reasoning behind it in
> the change log. Can someone speak to this? My view is that making
> key access behave differently from standard
> Python dictionaries is confusing.


Bruno Rocha

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