*include this in the page where you have the form*

    jQuery(".error").prev().css({"border":"1px solid red"});

*There is a css way for doing this (but not all browsers support css
siblings ~*

.error~input, .error~select, .error~textarea {
    border: 1px solid red;


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 6:25 PM, David <da...@styleflare.com> wrote:

> Sorry for not being clear;
> I meant if the field has an error obviously.
> After form validation, the ie. input would have an error class
> This would be useful for styling the fields with say "red borders"
> Alternatively if there is generic way to handle this I would appreciate it.
> Thanks.
> On 1/16/12 2:26 PM, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:
>> Why do you want to add an "error" class to the input? The error class
>> is normally used for inputs. Perhaps I do not understand.
>> On Jan 15, 7:40 pm, David<da...@styleflare.com>  wrote:
>>> I was thinking about the form validation.
>>> I thought that it may be useful to include an "error" class on the input
>>> widget when the form is submitted and has invalid data.
>>> ie.
>>> from
>>> <divclass="w2p_fw">
>>> <inputid="auth_user_password"**class="password"type="**password"value=""name="p
>>> assword">
>>> <divid="password__error"class=**"error"style="display: block;">too
>>> short</div>
>>> </div>
>>> to
>>> <divclass="w2p_fw">
>>> <inputid="auth_user_password"**class="password
>>> error"type="password"value=""**name="password">
>>> <divid="password__error"class=**"error"style="display: block;">too
>>> short</div>
>>> </div>
>>> Notice the error is the class of the input.
>>> I think this would be very useful and don't think it would break any
>>> backwards compatibility.
>>> Thanks.


Bruno Rocha

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