2012/1/26 Brad Miller <bonel...@gmail.com>:
> That did it, thanks!
> Is there a newer version of the tutorial somewhere?

Not, as far as I know, but old tutorials are right in most parts.

> I have some basic
> questions like  how do I get the app to start with an admin password?

As far as I know you shouldn't run admin on dotcloud:

as it's not safe. Just run admin on your machine and deploy the changes later.

If you need such feature maybe you should try fluxflex. It allows it
using the fluxflex web2py installation. Instructions are here:

José L.

> Thanks,
> Brad
> --
> Brad Miller
> On Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 12:13 PM, José Luis Redrejo Rodríguez
> wrote:
> 2012/1/26 Brad Miller <bonel...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to follow the web2py tutorial that was posted here a while
> back.  Unfortunately that was written using the older version of the
> command line tools, so some things just don't exist anymore.  But I'm
> going back and forth between the new documentation and the old.
> I've done the following:
> dotcloud created  myapp
> I've create the dotcloud.yml file
> I've symlinked wsgihandler.py to wsgi.py  as instructed
> I've got a requirements.txt file listing my dependencies
> When I do dotcloud deploy myapp .
> It uploads, starts the build, then I get:
> 17:15:44 [www] running build_scripts
> 17:15:44 [www] creating build/scripts-2.6
> 17:15:44 [www] error: file '/home/dotcloud/rsync-1327598128997/web2py/
> w2p_apps' does not exist
> 17:15:45 [www] -- Build failed: "python ./setup.py install" failed
> with return code 1
> 17:15:45 ---> Aborting due to build failure
> you must delete the file setup.py included in web2py directory.
> Dotcloud interprets it as an installer and it's not.
> José L.

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