Furthermore, on the server, this URL app/controller/function/13/1//5/
results in request.args to be ['13','1','5'], which is seriously
wrong.  The right answer of course should be ['13','1','','5'].

Can someone help?


On Feb 3, 8:55 am, VP <vtp2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have got inconsistent behaviors of web2py on 2 different servers
> (same latest version 1.99.4).
> Give this URL, app/controller/function/13/1///
> On my personal computer, request.args is [13,1,'',''].   This is what
> I expected.
> On my server, request.args is [13,1].
> This messes up my controller logic.   What causes this?
> Thanks
> VP

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