I am looking into writing lots of documentation and have been looking 
around at the different solutions. I know that the web2py book was written 
with Markin, and seeing as how it is able to output to multiple different 
formats and supports things like tables and image alignment, I figure it's 
probably the best way to go.

I want the documentation to be viewable (like the web2py book online) and 
be able to generate a PDF book, just like the web2py book. How do I do 
this? And here are a few more specific questions I have about this process:

   - Should each chapter (or topic) be in it's own file?
   - How do you insert page numbers, pages breaks, etc into the resulting 
   PDF file?
   - How do I generate the table of contents and the index?

This is the first time I've done anything remotely professional with 
documentation, so any other tips would be helpful. Thanks!

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